Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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Innovation Challenge Awards
Established in 2004, the NSERC Innovation Challenge Awards were awarded as a way to encourage students pursuing graduate studies in the natural sciences or engineering to develop their entrepreneurial spirit. The awards successfully helped student entrepreneurs on the road to achieving their goals: around twenty start-up companies were established; and more than 80% of those who received the award said it had a positive influence on their career. As there are now many award options available to budding entrepreneurs, the NSERC Innovation Challenge Awards are no longer available.

Past Winners


Dragan Tubić
Dragan Tubić

Framework for Interactive 3D Real-Time Modelling

Université Laval


Lucien Junior Bergeron
Lucien Junior Bergeron

Technology Platform for Targeting RNA of Biological Interest Based on the SOFA Delta Ribozyme

Université de Sherbrooke

Elizabeth Gray
Elizabeth Gray

Thuricin 17 as a Novel Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotic and Food Preservative

McGill University


Daryoosh Saeedkia
Daryoosh Saeedkia

Continuous-Wave Terahertz Systems for Biological and Material Spectroscopy and Sensing and Terahertz Imaging Applications

University of Waterloo
Behraad Bahreyni
Behraad Bahreyni

Micromachined Magnetic Field Sensor

University of Manitoba
Yingwei Xiang
Yingwei Xiang

Flexible Emissive Display Technology

McMaster University
Farid Mobasser
Farid Mobasser

Smart Electromyography Sensors

Queen's University
Dominic Deslandes
Dominic Deslandes

Substrate Integrated Waveguide for Millimeter-Wave Circuits and Systems Design

École Polytechnique de Montréal
Yunfei Chen
Yunfei Chen

Novel Technologies for Advanced Wireless Communication

University of Alberta
Fiorenzo Vetrone
Fiorenzo Vetrone

Upconverting Nanoparticles for Bioassay Technology

Concordia University
Babak Jajuee
Babak Jajuee

Oil Hydrocarbon Biotreatment and Oxygen Mass Transfer Characteristics of a Novel Airlift Immobilized Biorector System

The University of Western Ontario
Christopher Cole
Christopher Cole

The Near Boiling Nuclear Reactor: A Small, Inherently Safe Nuclear Reactor for a Variety of Civilian and Military Applications

Royal Military College
Kerry Robinson
Kerry Robinson

Novel Molecular Diagnostic Test for Prostate Cancer

Lakehead University
Benoît Châtelain
Benoît Châtelain

Optimization of Shaping Filters on a Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Basis

École de technologie supérieure